

Why commit your business capital to expensive vehicle purchasing, incurring vehicle depreciation and restricting cash-flow, when we can provide a low-cost leasing alternative.

As a business user you can take advantage of our tailor-made flexible leasing schemes.

Finance Lease

  • A finance lease gives you full use of a truck, but we retain legal ownership for the duration of the lease.
  • At the end of the agreement, you can extend the lease for a nominal secondary rental fee, or act as our agent for the sale of the asset to an agreed third party – if you do this you’ll receive the majority of the net sale proceeds (provided you’ve met the terms and conditions of your agreement).
  • It means there is minimal initial capital outlay
  • Payments allowable against taxable profits
  • Attractive options at end of term

Operating Lease

  • An Operating Lease is a tax efficient plan if you need a vehicle for a specific period
  • The fixed monthly payments are low
  • Modern vehicles with low rentals
  • Disposal  & depreciation risk removed
  • Payments allowable against taxable profits
  • Eases cash flow